A Case for Combining Technology, Science, and the Power of the Mind:
A Miraculous Transformation
When Charmaine Haworth, a serial entrepreneur, single mother, and self-help connoisseur, first learned that her son was on the verge of committing suicide, she knew she needed to act quickly. Diagnosed with Retinitis Pigmentosa - specifically Usher's Syndrome - at age 8, she had always known that her son Joseph needed help. However, there was no treatment available for his condition through Western or Eastern medicine, despite every practitioner's best efforts.
At age 18, homeschooled, isolated, legally blind, and profoundly hard of hearing, Joseph was unable to drive or leave the house on his own. He confided in his mother that he was ready for the end.
"I will either find a cure for this disease or help you end it," she promised him.
When faced with the fear of losing a child, what does a mother do? She finds a way.
Charmaine deepened her commitment to finding a cure for this incurable disease and for the quickly amplifying depression that was consuming her son.
Charmaine's extensive research started when Joseph was first diagnosed and spanned 10 years. It covered both traditional and alternative treatments and led her to study epigenetics, neuroplasticity, emerging relaxation and frequency technologies, cognitive-behavioral therapy, NLP, and hypnosis, among others.
She concluded that if a cell was once healthy, it would return to its natural ways and, in addition, that the mind is powerful enough to shift biology.
Empowered by her research, deep-seated conviction, and a the last of her bank account, Charmaine acquired a custom-made relaxation chamber. She combined this technology with the latest research on the effect of coaching/therapy on the neuroplasticity of the brain and opened an emotional well-being center in La Jolla which she called 8th Harmony.
After a series of intensive experiments which she conducted at the center over a 6-month period, her son finished a session and proclaimed, "I know the secret of life, the universe, and everything - it's connection to God and love." Immediately, his depression lifted.
One dragon down, one to go.
Two weeks later, Joseph went in for his annual RP comprehensive eye check-up. His scans showed a sign of reversal. In fact, as the doctor explained, the rods and cones in his eyes that had been dead were now alive. "You are doing the impossible," he declared. "I want to see him in 3 months and re-evaluate his condition.
This was her opportunity.
Charmaine proceeded to one by one take out various therapies she had been using in an attempt to isolate the primary driver of the reversal. Over a period of 9 months, she was able to determine the most powerful factors and created a program incorporating these. She started seeing other clients. Meanwhile, her son continued to reverse the disease, and by age 21, he had significantly regenerated the rods and cones in his eyes and received a driver's license.
Joseph is currently 24 years old, employed, in a relationship, has a side business painting tiny Warhammer figurines, and is loving being alive. He continues treatments at the center and continues to regenerate the rods and cones in his eyes.
This miraculous transformation did not go unnoticed, and this mother-son duo has become an inspiration for hope and healing in their community. Charmaine acquired an additional custom-built relaxation chamber and developed a standardized anxiety and depression healing methodology called 5 Step Release Method.
Charmaine's journey with her son Joseph highlights the power of combining technology, breathwork, guided imagery/visualization, and the mind's innate healing abilities. Through her extensive research, she was able to identify the most effective therapies and create a program that has transformed not only her son's life but the lives of many others as well.
At 8th Harmony, Charmaine and her team of experts provide personalized anxiety and depression self-healing services using the latest technology and concierge wellness practices. The success of 8th Harmony demonstrates that with the right tools and approach, it is possible to achieve miraculous transformations and become who you were meant to be.
Begin your journey today